Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thing 13: Online Productivity Tools

Looking at all of these productivity tools made my head spin! I changed my Yahoo start page, which was pretty slick to do, but realized that I don't like to have anything on the start page because it is too distracting. The calendars are a tool that would be very useful, especially on the school's homepage. If I knew that the Backpack group calendar would be used by enough students and parents, it would warrant the subscription fee. Until then, I think we will try Spongecell. Another very usable tool are the PDF converters, probably tap into Zamzar for some free ones unless there becomes a huge call for it. I was never able to get into Kiko, but might try again later.

I can also see using to-do lists, or at least I will remind myself to do it by first putting it on a small piece of scratch paper that gets lost on my desk. Actually I already signed up on an online list tool so now all I have to do is remember to use it! Unfortunately that is the first glitch in the system.

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