Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing 21: Beyond MySpace

The abundance of social networks makes my head spin! Like everything else on the Internet, there is a social network for anyone and everyone. I've known about WebJunction, but have only taken advantage of the articles and contemplated some courses. If/When I enter the world of social networking on my own, it will probably be with Teacher Librarian Ning because it is related to work. It looks like a great way to bounce around ideas and get useful advice.

The idea of building social networks at the library seems to be an excellent idea for using the Internet to target the cyber-generation and a natural extension of library services, especially with the use of automation at the public library. Everything is automated and going to the library can have absolutely nothing to do with interacting with people. Even the librarians are in plugged into computers, appearing to be very formidable behind their desks. Perhaps they are answering patrons/clients questions online.

Just as e-books will never totally replace print materials, a cyber-librarian will never replace the flesh-and-blood kind, at least I hope not. I hope there is room for a variety of approaches to libraries since every kind of approach offers their unique advantages.

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